HIRING - FULL-TIME and/or PART-TIME for the Gardening Team of 2018
Job Details:
- seed starting - begins in greenhouse April 1, includes sowing seeds, up-potting seedlings, building table space as needed, watering, maintenance and care of seedlings
- row making and soil-amending - begins when ground is not frozen, usually mid-April, the first step for the newly tilled gardens, adding compost and making 30" raised rows to allow plants to survive through flooding conditions
- direct sowing and transplanting - can begin mid-April and continues through the entire season, also includes prepping garden rows with compost or other soil amendments and/or laying plastic mulch
- weeding - with various implements, mostly by hand
- sowing new seeds - a constant task to ensure regular transplanting of seedlings, mostly salad greens
- tending to approximately 1000 tomato plants - involves transplanting, post-pounding, stringing and constant pruning to ensure tomato production through the entire season June through September
- picking/washing/packing - picking quickly in the earliest hours of the day to provide fresh quality produce, manipulating wash stand with weigh scales, packing coolers and boxes for delivery
- delivering - we deliver to more customers now and to more areas
- kitchen - making and canning salsa, tomato sauce, pesto, freezing produce
- seed saving - when some things "die off" it's time to save as many seeds as we can - it's a learning process right now
- kitchen - making and canning salsa, tomato sauce, pesto, freezing produce
- seed saving - when some things "die off" it's time to save as many seeds as we can - it's a learning process right now
- operation of tractor - new Kubota with front bucket, tiller and rotary cutter
A knowledge of plants is definitely an asset, an eagerness to learn is beneficial.
Special Note: Em, who has volunteered many precious hours here over the last couple of years, out of the goodness of her great big heart, asked me to mention the following about working here:
I am open to people with ideas who want to try things out - like being present at a local farmers' market or managing a new greenhouse. When there's time, we all get together to eat good food at lunch. We have hot coffee/tea to warm our hands when they’re almost frozen from cutting salad greens. We like the atmosphere to be light-hearted so we listen to music while working (taking turns choosing of course) and talk about everything under the sun. It’s hard work, but we make it fun with food, music and conversation.
Contact me by email or by phone to apply.
Special Note: Em, who has volunteered many precious hours here over the last couple of years, out of the goodness of her great big heart, asked me to mention the following about working here:
I am open to people with ideas who want to try things out - like being present at a local farmers' market or managing a new greenhouse. When there's time, we all get together to eat good food at lunch. We have hot coffee/tea to warm our hands when they’re almost frozen from cutting salad greens. We like the atmosphere to be light-hearted so we listen to music while working (taking turns choosing of course) and talk about everything under the sun. It’s hard work, but we make it fun with food, music and conversation.
Contact me by email or by phone to apply.