I've been very busy here these days, and evenings, creating Christmassy foods and gift giving ideas for you, as promised.
Here are some pictures of gift bag and basket ideas. I'm a strong advocate of that KISS (keep it simple silly) doctrine, as you'll see.

As I'm slipping shreddedness and tissue into the bags and baskets and cutting lovely crisp ribbons, I'm thinking of those who might like Day Brighteners Farm canned goods. Let's see, friends, teachers, parents, anyone living on their own, bosses (unless my husband is your boss, then it won't work so well), assistants, neighbours, party hosts and hostesses . . . etc. etc. etc.
As I'm slipping shreddedness and tissue into the bags and baskets and cutting lovely crisp ribbons, I'm thinking of those who might like Day Brighteners Farm canned goods. Let's see, friends, teachers, parents, anyone living on their own, bosses (unless my husband is your boss, then it won't work so well), assistants, neighbours, party hosts and hostesses . . . etc. etc. etc.
Have a look at the bag and basket ideas, the bags are all basic natural and ribbon/tissue colours are certainly interchangeable, I tried to depict a variety of country, young, classy. It's all quite fun. Then, of course, there's what you'd like to include in such bag or baskets.
The small bags (price $3) can hold one jar and perhaps a small item you may choose to add: such as garlic with a sauce, an organic chocolate bar with granola, some nuts for the applesauce . . . whatever you would like to pick up and add to such a thoughtful gift. So add to that base price which products from our menu you'd like in the bag.
The larger bags (price $4) hold three jars, leaving a little room for your own addition if you choose. Now add your products from the menu below.
The small baskets (price $6) hold two jars, such as granola and applesauce OR any combination of sauces . . . add which you choose.
The larger baskets (price $7) can hold the full meal deal (example: a jar of tomato sauce with a package of noodles (which I can pick up at Heather's for you to include), a jar of applesauce for dessert and a jar of granola to go with the applesauce and with breakfast the next morning OR a jar of salsa and a bag of tortilla chips (which I could pick up for you at Heather's)). I'm at Heather's regularly so I certainly don't mind picking up that extra package of noodles or tortilla chips to insert into your basket - let me know.
I hope I explained that properly.