So, we now have a facebook page, like I knew how to set this up? No. My son did this for me and I really appreciate it. It links in with this blog which my daughter set up for me and I am very grateful for this. Kids - aren't they smart?
What have we been up to? Read so many books for the entire month of February, books on GMOs, CAFOs, watched films on our water depletion and sugar, salt and fat issues, went to seminars and conferences about Organic Farming. - learned A LOT OF STUFF. Ask me, I'm willing to share.
We are now members of the National Farmers' Union.
The Sustainability Fair at the North Grenville Municipal Centre was wonderful, it's very encouraging to see so many young people moving to the area and starting organic farms and looking for resources.
When the time was right we planted seeds (several of which we save ourselves), tended to seedlings - up-potted, transferred to the ground in the Greenhouse and continue to do all of this every day from dawn to the beginning of the office day.
The weekly deliveries have grown and we really want to expand on that. The Kemptville Kinsmen Farmers' Market will now have longer hours (12 to 4 on Sundays) and we're not keen on that. We'd rather have all of our hard work saving seeds, starting the seeds, nurturing the seedlings, growing the food and maintaining the gardens going to a good home rather than wilting at the Market stand hoping someone will not buy from two stands over where a vegetable is 10 cents less. No, we've decided the best way for our vegetables to be eaten is freshly picked and delivered to you weekly or picked up by you on special order. We figure we can be occasional vendors at the Market if and when we have a surplus.
We're also pleased to be re-opening the Farm Gate Stand for passers-by on weekends.
Exciting News Today
The potatoes are in from Homestead Organics, we got the call and Tom picked them up on his way home from Cornwall this afternoon, they'll be going in to the newly roto-vated (
sp.) garden on Saturday.
We now have two silkies, Phoebe is white with grey and black markings and Rachel is black (see pic below). They are pricelessly full of character, but no eggs yet. They were given to us with their names, I don't watch TV so didn't know where the names came from, everyone else seems to know this. We'd been thinking of having chickens but missed the mark at ordering them, figured we'd try next year, but we're trying it out right now, this year. If it goes well, we'll get more next year, should be fun in the meantime. Oh, and they're also afraid of coming out of the coop ?? I dunno.
Plant Sale
We've been growing like crazy people and have so much of everything, best to come out and visit, check out what's available. We have trays of seedlings downstairs in the craft room, in the spare office, upstairs in the sitting area, in the little greenhouse we moved over to near the Big Greenhouse, in the Greenhouse on the floor, on tables, on stands, on buckets, everywhere one can squeeze a tray of seedlings, and outside sitting in the Herb Garden getting used to the weather and waiting to go into the ground this weekend. It's really hard to clean the house with trays all over so I'll clean in June - ya.
I'll post a price list of plants for sale once I can stop planting seeds, up-potting, transferring, weeding, watering (the soaker systems are almost all in place but not quite yet). The official Day Brighteners
Plant Sale will be May 25 and June 1 (I've been telling people the last two Saturdays in May but May 18 is too soon to plant outside, it's going to be ONE DEGREE this coming Saturday- jeesh).
Weekly Orders
To let you know how it works. Presently deliveries are each Wednesday between 5:30 and 6:30 (give or take 1/2 hour depending on how my office day has gone). I email you Monday to let you know what lovely colourful foods are available to eat. You email me back on Tuesday with what you'd love to have in your repertoire of good eating for the week and weekend. I pick and deliver Wednesday. Everything comes to you in your basket freshly washed and ready to eat. How do you like that?.
You only order what you'd like and we are tickled to provide you with it.
Otherwise, or maybe as well as, you can call me anytime and place a special order. I'd like more than a few hours' notice as I do see clients in the office, especially around real estate closing days.
The cats were interested in our daily guests
at the feeder this winter |
Got some new pictures for you: - if I knew how to move them around better, I would, very frustrating.
We love to eat and Moe took this picture
of our dessert |
It's the girls - cute eh? |

Almost ready for the Greens Garden |
Sunflowers |