Spinach / Red Orach
You know how spinach likes to grow in cold weather and that’s
why it’s hard to find in the mid-summer months?
Orach, also known as Mountain
Spinach” grows here during our entire growing season.
Upon googling “orach” once again, I’m reminded
and in turn reminding you of its nutritional value.
This plant is packed with vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, anthocyanins, phosphorous, iron, protein, zinc, selenium, tryptophan, vitamin C, vitamin
K, carotenes and dietary fibre. Orach is a nutrient-rich superfood. Canadian
Living magazine (May 2016 issue) calls orach “the new kale.” It also has a long history of use as a
medicinal plant.
Descriptions include “possibly one of the more ancient cultivated
plants” and “a substitute for spinach either fresh or cooked”. The seeds are edible and rich in Vitamin A,
can be ground into a meal and put into stews, breads,
cereals, etc. and are also used to make a blue dye.
“You can substitute orach in any
recipe calling for spinach or Swiss chard such as soups, salads, quiches,
lasagnas, etc. The red color of the foliage disappears during cooking, leaving
you with a green vegetable, but stains the water in which you cook it red. In Italy, orach often cooked with pasta and
rice giving them an attractive pink coloration.”
I’m on a mission to use orach at least once a week, maybe
more, so have made my first Orach Salad.
I used the same ingredients as if I were making a Spinach Salad:
ORACH SALAD according to Jo
Orach cut in ½ slices,
sliced or slivered almonds, toasted sunflower seeds, cherry tomatoes, red onion
(I would use white or spanish onion next time), orange segments, sprouts, goat
cheese, blood orange infused olive oil
The result was wonderful. You can
toss in any mixture of nuts, seeds, fresh or dried fruits, sprouts, shoots, cheese
. . . limitless options. Add a bagel or some
multi-grain bread on the side and it makes a complete meal.
Zucchini, Yellow and Green
These little puppies are still playing the “maybe I’ll be
ready Friday, maybe I won’t be” game. I’m
trying to make sure each of you gets some when you order.
Tomatoes and Cucumbers
Different name as above, same game. Each day when I do my walkabout through the
gardens I pick a few cherry tomatoes and a few larger ones, not really an
orderful but enough to say some are ready . . . today. These
should all be available to order next week.
Peppers, Dill, Parsley, Basil and Tomatoes
all working together for us |
Despite the amount of cucumber beetles which feel they own
these plants there are many baby cukes growing pretty quickly. As for Friday, I may have to change my
delivery dates this summer to coincide with plant growings. I’ll
provide if available, otherwise next week will
be better.
Cukes looking good |
The peppers are loving the rain and are producing very well.
So far, I have green jalapenos and yellow
alma paprika peppers for you while the others are reddening or yellowing up.
The jalapenos will turn red eventually but the green ones
are what we use in our fresh salsa and can be used on pizza without burning
your mouth.
Alma Paprika peppers are interesting. They are round about the size of a medium
tomato. They start out yellow, then turn orange and finally a bright red which
makes them look exactly like a tomato and can be confused for one if in the
same basket as tomatoes. They are not
considered a hot pepper but definitely add a bit of “zing” to a salad. I plan to dry some this year to make paprika.
Kale and Chard
These have now been weeded and are going to take a little break
from picking so they can grow up big and strong.
Eggplant / Aubergine
Have you ever said “I love to eat eggplant but don’t know
how to cook it.”? I certainly have. The old standard roasted (or barbecued) 1/2 inch
slices which have been soaked in salt and rubbed with olive oil just doesn’t
cut it for me anymore. I need more recipes
for this truly beautiful looking and fabulous tasting vegetable. We’re growing hundreds of eggplants which are
getting larger by the day and I really want us all to enjoy them. We have two varieties: round striped and deep purple (not sure what
size yet nor the proper names but they are lovely).
Back to googling recipes again I found a few. The one I’ll try first is Indian Spiced Roasted
Eggplant, which calls for turmeric and red chili/cayenne pepper. That sounds pretty healthy. I’ll let you know how it turns out. I see Martha Stewart has a slew of recipes
for eggplant varieties.
Do you have a favourite Eggplant recipe? If you do, please share.
I just remembered I have these two cookbooks called "Plenty" and "Plenty More" that are both loaded with delicious looking recipes for Eggplant. I am excited to try as many as I can.
I pulled out all of the garlic the other day and gently
placed it on shelves in the garage to cure for the next two weeks. There were no small or damaged bulbs. All in all it’s a good year for garlic.
When I went out in the rain to take some pictures for you I
didn’t think to take a basket so came back with a tee-shirt-apron holding about
a pound of beans. I guess they love the
rain too. These are the bush beans. The pole beans aren’t quite ready yet.
Arugula and Red Cabbage
Microgreens and Pea Shoots |
Kale, Broccoli and Radish
Microgreens |
Trays of Sunflower Shoots (Sunnies)
ready for their new homes |
calendula (edible petals) |
strawberry spinach |
Celery |
Pot o'Parsley |
Green Onions |
Marigolds (edible petals) |
Bachelor Buttons (edible petals) |
Sunflowers holding up pole bean vines |
Lack of rain didn’t help the onions grow large but we do
have many. I’ll start by picking the largest
ones and hope the others will follow suit.
Starting Again
In order to have cilantro for the fresh salsa when the time
comes, we sowed a fresh batch in the greenhouse and will do the same outdoors
this week. We also started more
sunflowers for fall decor as well as beets, green onions, parsnips and carrots,
dill and chard.
To please your palate and pallet this week we have:
APPLES, organic, dehydrated $2 / snack
Genovese, Greek, Holy, Large Leaf
Italian, Lemon, Lime or Purple $3 / BIG bunch
each Genovese, Greek, Large Leaf Italian or Purple
pound It’s hard to tell how many there will be by Friday, but they will keep
CELERY, thin and flavourful $2 / bunch remember you
can freeze the leaves for future use
FLOWERS $3 / bag
EGGPLANT: NEW Striped or Purple $4.00 / pound
ONIONS $2 / bunch
HERBS, fresh: Bay leaf, Chives, Citrus Thyme, Dill, Marjoram, Oregano,
Parsley, Thyme $3 / bunch
MICROGREENS $2 / snack bag
Sunflower Shoots
MIX $3 / sandwich bag (arugula, broccoli, kale, radish, red cabbage)
ONIONS: NEW $3 / pound
Sweet Spanish, Yellow, Sweet White, Red, Multiplier or
a Mix
Alma Paprika $4
/ pound
Jalapeno $0.50 each
Garlic Scape and Basil (garlic
scapes, fresh basil, parmesan cheese, walnuts or almonds, lemon juice, pepper) $5
/ 125 mL jar
Garlic Scape and Basil WITHOUT
CHEESE (garlic scapes, fresh
basil, walnuts or almonds, cashews, lemon juice, pepper) $5 / 125
mL jar
$4 / pound – you
can order less
ORACH $4 / bag
/ 4oz bag
Brassica Blend (broccoli,
broccoli raab, radish, mustard & arugula)
Booster (clover, alfalfa, radish &
Spring Salad
Mix (broccoli, radish, red clover &
Day Brighteners is a non-certified
organic farm where we practice sustainable methods free of any
GMOs, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides,
herbicides, fungicides or “cides” or any kind.
I look forward to receiving Your
Special Order. Call or email me with amounts you’d like and any
Until next post, have a great every day.